MATIC Price: $0.356236 (-21.02%)


Hop Protocol
Related labels Tokens (12)
Hop Protocol is a rollup-to-rollup general token bridge. It allows users to send tokens from one rollup to another almost immediately without having to wait for the rollup’s challenge period.
AddressName Tag Balance Txn Count
0x10b6CbDF...e7a1E91Af Hop Protocol: DAI Bonder V20.14045171 MATIC3,275
0x25FB92E5...E4A384266 Hop Protocol: DAI Liquidity Pool0 MATIC21,788
0x28529fec...62Cd3BE5c Hop Protocol: DAI Wrapper1.5 MATIC47,855
0x266e2dc3...4cFFe6778 Hop Protocol: ETH Liquidity Pool0 MATIC79,371
0x1fDeAF93...91e920c7A Hop Protocol: hETH Token0 MATIC21,232
0x25D8039b...EAE2E6aE8 Hop Protocol: USDC Bridge0 MATIC110,392
0x15ec4512...32c8edFee Hop Protocol: USDT Bonder0.41303903 MATIC14,697

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